Tomorrow there is a centenary of missed opportunities [sic].
On May 29, 1922, mathematics-meteorologist A.A. Friedman showed in his note that the Universe could be unstatical. In the note, he missed one exact solution for the magnitude of the cosmological constant for the expanding universe. In 2018, on the basis of the data obtained from the Planck space observatory, the value of the cosmological constant. The difference between the value of the missed decision is the value of the Planck received by the telescope it is about the tenth percent. More accurately the difference is now impossible to determine due to the tension of the Hubble–Lemaître constant and the values ​​of DE. What is the relationship of this unconditionally epic note (the basis of modern cosmology) is related to the vimanasnextday? Direct. Being welded along with the discoveries of Kaluza, de Broglie, Schrödinger, Dirac, would givethe possibility of combining gravity and quanta into a single whole already at fifth Solvay Conference on Physics in 1927.
It would turn out to be a whole phenomenon (cEh) that is understandable to most of those interested people. It is such an understanding of the world, supported by the formulas and astrophysical observations would be directed the efforts of applied science and engineering on the creation of specific devices (including the vimanasnextday). It did not work (maybe for the better, the fighting vimanasnextday are strongly dangerous). It was previously written that the vimanasnextday is the perfect device for pre-light movements inside the star (system). Got a question. If, according to a well-known report, these devices exist and there is no appropriate earthling technology for their creation, then where did created? In our solar system, there are almost certainly no such places (Moon? Mars? Europe? Titan?). If they were created in another (other) stellar systems, then how did such devices are here very poorly sent for interstellar flights here?
What is a ***carrier and how quickly brought them here? …

… The next post will be about unobvious difficulties in creating vimanasnextday

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