The message about first obviously butnot obvious difficulty.

Vimanasnextday in a passive state is motionless relative to the place of loading and relative payload. Changing the values ​​of transverse space deformations and leaving the value of the longitudinal space deformation same, get the impulse of Vimanasnextday itself and both of its relative payload. In the presence of Vimanasnextday plus its r-payload (60,000 tons + 40,000 tons) there are no difficulty in providing them stunity relative to the unloading site. Let the place of loading – Earth with average orbital speed ​​- 29.78 km/s. Let the place of unloading –  Mars with average orbital speed ​​- 24.07 km/s. Difficulty begins at the time of unloading on surface of Mars 40,000 tons of payload on the ground. These 40,000 tons will be motionless …
… But they will be motionless relative only to the Earth. Regarding Mars, it will be 5.71 km/s – a little more Mars escape velocity. ¿Es mucho o No suficente? Molti. Approximately 300 Kiloton of TNT Impact (approximately 15 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs or 1 Chelyabinsk Superbolide) at the unloading site on Mars.

… The next message will be about the solution of the first and the Q of the second unobvious difficulty in creating Vimanasnextday

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