In the message 20230211 it was written that “back the quadratic dependence of gravity on the distance between the gravity masses is not due to the three-dimensionality of space … more that value of gravity does not depend on the dimensionality of space” without any explanation and evidence. This message consists of three parts.
The boring part of the message in which such explanations and evidence will be presented. To begin with, the force can be formally recorded not only as a work of mass on acceleration. Strength can also be recorded as the ratio of light speed in a vacuum to the fourth degree to the gravitational constant Newton (1.2103 × 10^44 N). Such a force is called Planck force and the reverse value, multiplied by eight pi is called Einstein`s the gravitational constant. Strength can also be recorded as the ratio of energy to the distance. Let’s go to the standard form of recording Newton’s law of universal gravitation – the law states that every point mass M1 attracts every other point mass M2 by a force F acting along the line intersecting the two points. The force is proportional to the product of the two masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between them. We multiply the numerator and denominator of the standard form records of the Newton’s law of universal gravitation on the speed of light in a vacuum to the fourth degree and … we will lay out the formula into three efficients.
The first is the ratio of the work of M1 on the speed of light in a vacuum in the second degree to the distance R.
The second is the ratio of the work of M2 on the speed of light in a vacuum in the second degree to the distance R.
The third is the ratio of gravitational permanent to the speed of light in vacuum to the fourth degree.
The first and second efficients are recorded as, accordingly, the rates of energy E1 and E2 to the distance R. And further as the relationship of the speed of light in a vacuum to the fourth degree to the gravitational constant Newton with appropriate lowering coefficients. Now about the third dubious. In the message 20220528 mentioned that on May 29, 1922, a mathematician-meteorologist A.A. Friedman missed one exact solution for the quantity of the cosmological constant for the expanding universe, the decision in which the cosmological constant for such a universe twice as much as for the stationary universe of Einstein. This means that for the Schwarzshild formula, in relation to the universe, the deuce is not needed and the third dubborn is the influence of itself. The universe on the gravitational interaction of the two bodies M1 and M2. That is, gravitational interaction is not two but three bodies: M1, M2 and the Universe. Interaction generated deformation of space-time created by M1, M2 and the Universe.
Now an interesting part of the message. If you add another M3 body on the interaction line M1 and M2, then the total interaction of the M2 and M3 with M1 will be more than separately the sum M1 with M2 and M1 with M3. The reason is simple – there is an additional local deformation of space-time, greater than the basic (only the universe). I will not bring (for now) corresponding formulas and description of the confirming experiments. The experiment has already been conducted by nature billions of years ago and its result is perfectly visible to astrophysicists. These are galaxy filaments – galactic threads with the peculiar speed of galaxies inside galactic threads along these threads and the peculiar velocities of galaxies outside the galactic threads to these threads.
Now the third part of the message: what to do with this knowledge? You can creating the appropriate configurations of high energy particles to get matter directly from the nuclei of planets or stars, u can create a variable local gravity, you can destroy dust, stones, asteroids, planets, stars with sufficient power. Depends on wishes

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