Very briefly about quantum. It makes no sense to retell textbooks. Let me remind you only the most necessary from Q for this message. Canonically, the total probability of finding a particle in the entire space of the universe is equal to one. That is, the square modulus of the wave function multiplied by the volume is equal to one. Or in relation to vimanas: the probability of finding the universe in the universe itself is equal to one. This means that all the energy of the universe entirely and completely determines the amount of space-time of the universe. This means that all the energy of the universe is entirely located in the space-time of the universe.

Something has changed since 20230709, but what exactly? The volume of the universe has changed. It turned out that the energy of the universe is not only in three spatial, but also in another, temporal dimension. It turned out that the wave function can be given a physical meaning, and this physical meaning will correspond with the cosmological constant. It turned out that with some desire it is possible to combine the Schrödinger and Einstein equations, call the resulting Weltformel and say that gravity has finally united with the quantum. Everything is just like that. But that’s not all that has changed since 20230709

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