Why is space continuous?
There are often statements that space is discrete (discontinuous) with a minimum length of one Planck length. Although already in 2011, based on the results of the gamma-ray burst GRB 041219A, it was shown that the minimum length is thirteen orders of magnitude less than the Planck length. On the other hand, the question of how far the position of Pluto will shift in one Planck time as a result of gravitational interaction with an individual proton of the Solar wind in the orbit of Mercury has never been asked. You can insert a speck of dust in the M 87 galaxy instead of Pluto, and a free electron instead of a proton, but this makes no sense. The result of calculating the magnitude of the displacement from unshielded (positive mass) gravity will be even more stunning. In subsequent messages it will be shown that the Universe is not quite what we have become accustomed to over more than a century of cosmology as a separate science. The Universe is that amount of energy-space-time that appears and disappears approximately ten raised to the power of one hundred and fifth per second. Each time the Universe appears, it becomes approximately one ten to the sixty-one power of Planck time older and the maximum distance becomes approximately one ten to the sixty-one power of Planck length times pi larger. The number pi is the very thing that prevents the increase in length from being expressed through the rational number of Planck time multiplied by the speed of light in a vacuum, which prevents space from being granular from a mathematical point of view. It would seem there is no problem, multiply one ten to the sixty-first power of Planck length by the number pi and call this value the minimum length. But it doesn’t work, physically it doesn’t work. Quantum spin, in which there is no number pi, interferes. Or will it still work out? This will be discussed in more detail in future posts.

Remark. Some of you may have the impression that the last few messages have nothing to do with Vimanas Nextday and Vimanas Nextday carrier. This is wrong

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