This is a very sad message. Why?
Some time ago, enthusiasts of the creation of Vimanas Nextday and Vimanas Nextday carrier asked what the necessary special technologies were. My answer was no. Special technologies (hypercommunication, gravity drilling, minus matter) require special applied theories. In turn, the creation of special applied theories requires the existence of one or several fundamental theories. There is no benefit from such fundamental theories if they are not in demand. Even if they provide answers to almost all unsolved questions of astrophysics, cosmology, gravity, quantum physics. Thousands and maybe millions of trained people are in the paradigm of fundamental ideas about the structure of the world, which does not even slow down the creation of Vimanas Nextday and Vimanas Nextday carrier. They make this theoretically impossible despite the fact that similar to Vimanas Nextday Tic Tac UAP is a real reality. They cannot be blamed; at least the five to ten years of mental and material effort they have spent, according to the rules, should be rewarded. This in turn means the absence of the emergence of special applied theories, special technologies and devices based on them. And this is also reality, the sad reality of today
No, this is not a sad ending, I’m not going to stop explaining what the creation of Vimanas Nextday and Vimanas Nextday carrier can bring closer. This will be in the next posts, in this post I’m just sad