This is a chilling message about the meaning of expansion, money and civilizations.
Humanity has a couple of billion years before the Earth becomes uninhabitable. Why rush and waste material and human resources right now, and not at least in a million years if even the closest supernova candidate IK Pegasi is at a safe 150 light years? Two thousand years ago, fresh air, clear water from a stream and an apple, picked from a tree a couple of seconds ago, did not represent any special value to people. Today, a super air purifier, an aqua filter with mineralization and “organic” food are no longer free. But walking, sunrises and sunsets, seasonal weather, the opportunity to be with bare skin under the rays of the Sun – our closest star – are still free. Any planet in our star system is initially much more unfavorable than Antarctica or Sahara and will remain so for many centuries. And it is not a fact that it will not be necessary to additionally bring micro additives for the life of flora and fauna to these planets in macro quantities. And yet. Somewhere within a hundred light years humanity will find a semblance of Earth and colonize it (?). Sooner or later, the differences in living conditions will make themselves known and the “new people” will differ from earthlings. Hyper communication using a massive signal will reduce the response time by at least a thousand times. That is, we can forget about the horror of non-communication between Earth and its semblance. Even if we are alone in the Milky Way (although I don’t think so), what is the point, other than the “frozen matter” of old stars, in the exhausting expansion? Modern astronomical observations record at z>5 a number of quasars with a metallicity equal to or even greater than the metallicity of the Sun. This means that there is a possibility that earth-like planets could have appeared as early as 10 billion years ago. So what? If for the Earth during its 4.6 billion years of existence the space of the Universe has expanded by 1.3 times, then for an Earth-like planet its 4.6 billion years of existence means the expansion of the space of the Universe by 6.5 times. For many reasons, such an expansion of the space of the Universe is undesirable for long-lived civilizations. In my opinion, there are two main ways to avoid cosmological destruction. The first way is to “hide from the expansion” in an old star with an unchanging gravitational constant. The second way is to move to another universe for a couple of billion years before the next move. And if such a civilization chose the second path, then why not leave an artifact with knowledge and technology accumulated over hundreds of millions of years. And this artifact may not be at all similar to the buildings on the surface of the planet, it simply will not survive billions of years of waiting. It is not even necessary that it will be visually observable. This artifact may well be a dead and cold planet with a cubic core inside. This is most likely a joke, but one thing is certain – it must be an artificial object that looks as natural to an immature civilization. Searching for such artifacts is impossible without constant, long-term expansion. Naturally, neither nuclear decay nor fusion will even allow resources to move from near-Earth presence to full-fledged interstellar expansion. Only Vimanas Nextday and Vimanas Nextday carrier. The sooner this is understood and mentally accepted, the better it will be for all of humanity