This message was originally about the connection between the energy of a material body and its movement in space. When writing it, it suddenly turned out that without a preliminary explanation a message about the connection between the energy of a material body and its movement in space would lose a significant part of what is called physics. Therefore, first an explanation. This is not even an explanation, but a statement of fact. A fact that requires finding an answer to the question “why?”.
We are talking about the fact that the dimensions of any material body are constant. Do not rush to object that in the presence of special and general relativity, as well as cosmological redshift the above is hyper-stupidity. Back in 1917, Einstein wrote about the Universe as a hypersphere with three spatial dimensions. How to measure the length of spatial dimensions. I have already mentioned that there are three fundamental types of measurement.
The first method is measurement in familiar meters. The measurement in meters shows numerically the relativistic and gravitational changes as well as the gravitational and cosmological redshift.
The second method is to measure the length in the corners of the Einstein hypersphere, the radius of which is the product of the time of the Universe and the speed of light in a vacuum (fundamental velocity).
The third method is to measure spatial dimensions in Planck lengths. This method of measurement gives an understanding of why the same type of elementary particles (namely, the material body consists of these particles) have the same duration of Planck lengths – (ћG/c^3)^(1/2). Dividing the energy contained in a resting material body (let it be a proton) by the number of its Planck lengths, we obtain the linear energy density of the proton. If we add energy to such a proton along one (longitudinal) axis, the number of its Planck lengths will not change. The value of Newton’s gravitational constant will change. Let the added energy be gamma times greater than the energy contained in a resting material body. Then the value of Newton’s gravitational constant will change bygamma to the second power. And this means that each Planck length of a proton,
measured in conventional meters, will become shorter by the same gamma time. This is precisely what is called, qualitatively and quantitatively, the reduction of the longitudinal length of a moving material body in the special theory of relativity. The same reasoning is true not only for motion in space, but also for gravity and cosmology.
Appendix. You can still find disputes about the Michelson-Morley experiment. From the position of measuring spatial dimensions in Planck lengths, its results are explained quite simply. One of the definitions of the speed of light in a vacuum (fundamental speed) is the value of the speed with which a material body flies one Planck length in one Planck time. Therefore, it does not matter how the arms of the interferometer are oriented (that is, it does not matter whether they are stretched or, on the contrary, shortened when measured in meters). What is important is that their length, measured in Plakow lengths, remains unchanged, as does their travel time. And therefore, the interference pattern also remains unchanged