This message was supposed to be about a Vimanas Nextday Carrier or another device that brought and perhaps now brings Vimanas Nextday to the solar system. But I had difficulties with an explanation of the physical principles of the work of such Vimanas Nextday Carriers or other devices. Already at the beginning of the twentieth century, the assumption that with space-time could be done something known to the scientific community, but it was not known to the society of ordinary people. The merit of the author of the theory of relativity to a greater extent than the very discovery of the theory of relativity is to popularize the knowledge that the space can be curved, and the space-time can be compressed or stretched. Unfortunately, this is not enough to explain the physics of fast interstellar movements. It will be necessary to explain, for example, why time is not continuous and not discretely simultaneously. I probably should think carefully how the most simple and intelligibly explain the physical principles of fast interstellar movements. The next message will be about Vimanas Nextday again

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