And again, the problem requiring engineering magic. Initially, it is not known what will be generated: minus electron or minus-positron. But in any case, the problem of the “leakage” of the negative mass due to the formation of the oniums (not onions) should be solved – a bound state of particles and antiparticles. The easiest is positronium, a pair of electron-positron. Depending on the direction of rotation, the electron and positron are annihilated with the formation of two or three gamma quanta. Their charge “disappears”, but energy remains unchanged. Now about a bound state of electron and minus electron. Annihilation is impossible. Why? Because although the electron and minus electron are in the same space, they are spaced in time at 13.8 x 2 = 27.6 billion years. Gravitational they repel, electromagnetly they are attracted. In total, they are attracted and this is bad. Why? Leaving a detailed consideration for the future, we can say that both the positive mass of the electron and the negative mass of the minus electron are reduced by the module. And this means a decrease in the basic (starting) value of the negative mass, originally located on Vimanas NextDay. Engineering magic should be manifested in the existence of minus-electrons from a bound state to electronic gas, which can be accelerated by conventional means. The next message will be about Vimanas Nextday agan

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