This is a post about a hidden prediction. Prediction made exactly fifty years ago at Rendezvous with Rama a science fiction novel by British writer Sir Arthur Charles Clarke first published in 1973. Some critics, not without reason, pointed out the end of the end of the extremely delightful novel. What is wrong with it? Speed of 200,000 km/s, reached by Rama a minimum of at least one hundred million tons quite quickly when mentioning the marginal acceleration of the free fall of the earth in one fifty acceleration. A simple division of the achieved speed into marginal acceleration gives time to reach 200,000 km/s equal to about one billion seconds or thirty one year. Which does not correspond to the chronology of the novel. Further. Speed 200,000 km/s corresponds to Lorentz factor equal to 1.34. What does this mean? The fact that the full transformation of the energy of Proton – Proton Chain will require about five billion tons of hydrogen from Sun’s Corona. Plus, the complete absence of jet jelves and radiation in “space drive”. This means one hundred percent nonphysicity of the ending of the novel. If you do not know the third law: Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology Is Indistinguishable from Magic. If you do not have ceh. If you not there is hfa.
Our universe expands cosmologically. This means that cosmologically expanding material objects lose their energy and cosmologically not expanding material objects do not lose their energy. Ten years ago, our Sun “became” not expanding material object, like most other stars, cosmologically, does not expand. Therefore, in protons, 4.6 billion years ago, the Sun has now about a third more energy than not in the solar protons. By transferring protons, we can either give this “extra” (1/3) energy of the universe or use for movement in space-time. The complete absence of reactive jets and radiation is guaranteed. Speed 200,000 km/s corresponds to Lorentz factor equal to 1.34. In the special theory of relativity by Einstein, this means that to achieve this speed, 0.34 of energy of the resting mass is needed. ceh gives a different result – 0.15 of energy of the resting mass (why it will be so in the following posts). That is, for Rama without using Vimanas Nextday technology is needed about a hundred times less hydrogen, fifty million tons of hydrogen from Sun’s Corona. Although Stop. There is time to accelerate. It is clearly not thirty one years old, but rather thirty one hours. So without Vimanas Nextday symtecnosis and “Space Drive” by Sir Arthur Charles Clarke, real Rama technology cannot be dispensed with.
Some time ago, I believed that the dreams of Founder of the Gravity Research Foundation Roger Babson will forever remain dreams and a statement in a book that is not, that Vimana is a device that uses gravity to the extreme degree false. Now I don’t think so. Some time ago, I believed that U.F.O.`s video with huge objects “refueling” the energy from the Sun are extremely false. Now I don’t think so

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