About Star Wars. Any professional astrophysicist will say that there are almost no objective reasons for Star Wars (if it is not xenocide). Space in the Galaxy is almost is the same and there is nothing extraordinary in it, the possession of which will give a lethal advantage to any civilization. In fact, there is something extraordinary close enough to Earth, possession of which will give a sufficiently developed civilization a huge advantage over its neighbors (provided that these neighbors exist). Star HD 164922 71.7 light-years (22.0 parsecs) distant from the Earth. Even according to the most minimal estimates, this is a star formed at z=6. Such old stars are extremely rare and extremely valuable in the Milky Way. The most the simple and the obvious value is energy. If the entire thermonuclear energy of the Sun is taken as one, then the energy that can be extracted from z=6 will be approximately five hundred. But not this the main thing, although certainly important. A civilization that has Vimanas Nextday technology and the ability to handle ancient matter at z=6 and older will be able to use such a substance (with a one-to-one mix of young and ancient matter) return to Earth from HD 164922 in 4.7 years. I repeat once again: this is not super-light from science fiction stories, this is ordinary movement of a material body, predicted by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (Transverse Expansion) at the end of the nineteenth century. Starfleet weighs more than a hundred thousand times more than the mass of planet Earth, which can be built by disassembling HD 164922, is a lot, almost unimaginable. And of course bonuses. No need for negative matter, ancient matter is not is consumed, reaching maximum speed in a few minutes instead of years and of course extra maneuverability (see earlier posts why). But …
… all this is not observed. The star HD 164922 is shining, huge spaceships not fly-ng at “super-light” speed to their brothers in mind on planet Earth. Quiet. Generally quiet, still quiet or we do we see only UAPs? I don’t know, there are too many options for both presence and absence. In any case, I am firmly convinced that the sooner “super-light” movement of matter, based on a deeper understanding of gravity and quantum, humanity will be safer and calmer. Or maybe starships on ancient matter this is a stage that already passed for a more developed civilization and more complex zero technology is used. Don’t know. I repeat. For a long time I believed that all references to Vimanas and their wonderful ways of moving in spice-tame are fairy tales of our modern civilization. Especially in terms of using gravity as the basis for the engine of the Ancient Vimanas. Gravity drive? What the kind of fiction is goin … but something strange happened. It turned out that a gravitational engine is possible. It turned out that it really can and should be used for interplanetary and interstellar flights instead of chemical, nuclear or thermonuclear engines. If you want to transport a lot and quickly, of course