Part 1.a

This message explains the movement of a material body, the cause of which is the addition of additional energy to that material body. In order not to bother with mathematics, let it be a cube with an edge equal to one meter and mass M, accelerated by adding additional energy to a speed of 0.8 = 4/5 s. This means that the dimensions of this cube in the longitudinal direction, according to Lorentz transformations and Einstein’s special theory of relativity, are reduced by the Lorentz factor (5/3) times. The first simple question. Is this reduction apparent or real? And if this reduction is real, then what are the physical reasons for such a reduction? Usually this question is not asked either to the teacher or to oneself. Second simple question. This is a question about longitudinal dimensions. If this reduction is real, then is it a reduction in the longitudinal size of the cube with constant dimensions of space, or does the amount of reduction in the longitudinal size of the cube mean the same amount of reduction in the space occupied by the moving cube? This question is also usually not asked either to the teacher or to oneself. Third simple question. If this reduction is real and the magnitude of the reduction in the longitudinal size of the cube means the same amount of reduction in the space occupied by the moving cube, then what can be said about the longitudinal dimensions of the space in front of and behind the moving cube? And the fourth, perhaps last question. If this reduction is real and the magnitude of the reduction in the longitudinal size of the cube means the same magnitude of reduction in the size of the space occupied by the moving cube, then what will happen to the dimensions of the space when the moving cube leaves the region of compressed space.

It is perhaps that you will have an additional, unspoken question in this message about the movement of a material body. You can ask it to admin@vimanas.pro. The answer depends on you, either personally or with your confirmed consent at http://vimanas.pro/.

Now for some clarification. Let’s reduce the size of the cube by the maximum number of times. Why is this necessary and what is the magnitude of this reduction? A cube with an edge equal to one meter is a huge number of atoms consisting of elementary particles of electrons and nucleons. The magnitude of this decrease is determined by the volume of space in which only one of the elementary particles will be located. In this case, one more postulate is added. Quantum spin. Intrinsic form of angular momentum, the value of which is constant for a given type of elementary particle and the value of which does not depend on speed, gravity, or cosmological time (read about cosmic rays). The physical reason for its persistence is not discussed in this message. In this message, this is a postulate that has been experimentally verified many times. But this is not enough to understand the movement of a material body in time-space. We will have to accept as a postulate (only in the next few messages) the variability of Newton’s gravitational constant. I’ll say right away that this has nothing to do with the Jordan–Brans–Dicke theory. All that remains is to move from meters, seconds and kilograms/joules to Planck units: Planck length, Planck time, Planck mass/energy. It’s enough.

In one physical way or another, we add the value of Newton’s gravitational constant of energy 2/3 of the original (3/3+2/3=5/3). This means a decrease in Newton’s gravitational constant by 25/9 times. For constant quantum spin, energy and time are conjugate variables, and space and time are directly proportional variables. This means that an increase in energy by 5/3 times does not mean an apparent, but a real reduction in the longitudinal size by the same 5/3 times. The physical reason for this reduction is the constant value of the quantum spin (for a given type of elementary particle) and the constant size of such a particle in Planck units: Planck length/volume …

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