This message was originally about the connection between the energy of a material body and its movement in space. When writing it, it suddenly turned out that without a preliminary explanation a message about the connection between the energy of a material body and its movement in space would lose a significant part of what… Continue reading 20250220


I still don’t have time for detailed explanations yet. Regret. You have two options for what you should do. Either stop visiting this site or wait for the next messages


… I don’t have time at all to explain the complexities in detail. Therefore. The message about the compression or expansion of space-time, the Michelson-Morley experiment, the Alcubierre drive and the hyperspherical Universe will be next time …


This is a chilling message about the meaning of expansion, money and civilizations. Humanity has a couple of billion years before the Earth becomes uninhabitable. Why rush and waste material and human resources right now, and not at least in a million years if even the closest supernova candidate IK Pegasi is at a safe… Continue reading 20241101


Why space is continuous. Supplement to message 20240430/23. The existing ideas about our Universe as of 20240925 claim that it is constantly expanding. There are also other theories about the future and past of our Universe. But there are no special differences of opinion regarding the present state and the past up to z=11 (except… Continue reading 20240925


This is not a sad message at all. It is dedicated to the anniversary (90 years) of the publication of the article by the German chemist and physicist Ida Noddack „On Element 93» in Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Chemie, Volume 47, p. 653 (September, 1934). Just as the English scientist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was unrecognized… Continue reading 20240819


This is a very sad message. Why? Some time ago, enthusiasts of the creation of Vimanas Nextday and Vimanas Nextday carrier asked what the necessary special technologies were. My answer was no. Special technologies (hypercommunication, gravity drilling, minus matter) require special applied theories. In turn, the creation of special applied theories requires the existence of… Continue reading 20240713


Addition to message 20230320. The cosmologically non-expanding Sun makes it possible to create Vimanas Nextday without using negative mass. I’ll repeat myself. Protons, 4.6 billion years ago that formed the Sun now has about a third more energy than non-solar protons. And this energy is not the energy of their movement, but the energy of… Continue reading 20240606


Why is space continuous? There are often statements that space is discrete (discontinuous) with a minimum length of one Planck length. Although already in 2011, based on the results of the gamma-ray burst GRB 041219A, it was shown that the minimum length is thirteen orders of magnitude less than the Planck length. On the other… Continue reading 20240430


draft Part 1.c I am not calling for a complete abandonment of meters, seconds and kilograms/Joules. No, but Planck units allow you to understand both “superluminal” movement and speed in general. The most common is the amount of meters traveled by a body in one second. But certain questions arise. What meters and seconds to… Continue reading 20240324