Part 1.b What is attractive about moving from meters, seconds and kilograms/Joules to Planck units: Planck length, Planck time, Planck mass/energy? First of all, the fact that when moving from meters to Planck length there is no change in the number of Planck lengths. There is only a change in the “fullness” of energy of… Continue reading 20240216
Part 1.a This message explains the movement of a material body, the cause of which is the addition of additional energy to that material body. In order not to bother with mathematics, let it be a cube with an edge equal to one meter and mass M, accelerated by adding additional energy to a speed… Continue reading 20240110
A very short message about the problem of simple things. I don’t want to offend anyone, but.. Some people said that things that are simple in my opinion may be difficult for others for various reasons. For example, the problem of understanding movement in space-time. These are other problems that can make it difficult to… Continue reading 20231204
About Star Wars. Any professional astrophysicist will say that there are almost no objective reasons for Star Wars (if it is not xenocide). Space in the Galaxy is almost is the same and there is nothing extraordinary in it, the possession of which will give a lethal advantage to any civilization. In fact, there is… Continue reading 20231028
A little longer about the quantum. Spin as a angular momentum. An attempt to imagine a spin as a rotation in a spatial plane was unsuccessful. Either the top – light speed was required ( “pi” * “c” ) or it was required to reduce the radius of rotation ( by “pi” times). But there… Continue reading 20230921
Very briefly about quantum. It makes no sense to retell textbooks. Let me remind you only the most necessary from Q for this message. Canonically, the total probability of finding a particle in the entire space of the universe is equal to one. That is, the square modulus of the wave function multiplied by the… Continue reading 20230815
This message is the first in a series of messages about the nature of the world in which the devices called vimanаs will move in the spacetime. Not those vimanas that move between the planets and those who spend years on a relocation from star to star. Those vimanаs who “jump” from star to star.… Continue reading 20230709
In the message 20230211 it was written that “back the quadratic dependence of gravity on the distance between the gravity masses is not due to the three-dimensionality of space … more that value of gravity does not depend on the dimensionality of space” without any explanation and evidence. This message consists of three parts. The… Continue reading 20230602
In 20220315 post, for creating Vimanas Nextday, it was proposed to reduce constant energy of rest at constant full energy (or increase full energy and reduce energy of rest) of the Vimanas Nextday itself. It can be assumed that this assumption appeared at the beginning of the twenty-first century. This is wrong. You can make… Continue reading 20230426
This is a post about a hidden prediction. Prediction made exactly fifty years ago at Rendezvous with Rama a science fiction novel by British writer Sir Arthur Charles Clarke first published in 1973. Some critics, not without reason, pointed out the end of the end of the extremely delightful novel. What is wrong with it?… Continue reading 20230320