Part 1.a This message explains the movement of a material body, the cause of which is the addition of additional energy to that material body. In order not to bother with mathematics, let it be a cube with an edge equal to one meter and mass M, accelerated by adding additional energy to a speed… Continue reading 20240110


A very short message about the problem of simple things. I don’t want to offend anyone, but.. Some people said that things that are simple in my opinion may be difficult for others for various reasons. For example, the problem of understanding movement in space-time. These are other problems that can make it difficult to… Continue reading 20231204


About Star Wars. Any professional astrophysicist will say that there are almost no objective reasons for Star Wars (if it is not xenocide). Space in the Galaxy is almost is the same and there is nothing extraordinary in it, the possession of which will give a lethal advantage to any civilization. In fact, there is… Continue reading 20231028


A little longer about the quantum. Spin as a angular momentum. An attempt to imagine a spin as a rotation in a spatial plane was unsuccessful. Either the top – light speed was required ( “pi” * “c” ) or it was required to reduce the radius of rotation ( by “pi” times). But there… Continue reading 20230921


At the beginning of the site it is written by VIMANAS ceh4hfa. What does ceh4hfa mean? This is ceh for hfa, where ceh is an approximation to the reality of the Universe with three constant physical quantities – the speed of light in a vacuum, full of energy of the Universe and a Planck constant.… Continue reading 20230211


Part 3b The concept is quite simple. With the same energy supply, it is preferable to use minus-electrons instead of minus-proton. Initially, the weaker ratio of gravity to the charge at the minus-electron is compensated additional energy and deep regulation like Tic Tac UAP. Also, minus-electrons are much easier to produce (this is not a… Continue reading 20221023